
How Does Stress Affect Your Weight Loss Efforts?

How Does Stress Affect Your Weight Loss Efforts? - There are a lot of getting research published stress and weight gain. While a variety of behaviors and external factors affect how to deal with stress, there are also biological responses that occur automatically within our body. 

Cortisol, a hormone related to stress, has been associated with weight gain, especially belly fat. When under stress, very large amounts of cortisol are released into the bloodstream. Most of the amount of fat is collected in the abdomen region when eating under stress because cortisol receptors are located in the abdomen. To make matters worse, the waist-hip higher has been associated with higher levels of cortisol under stress. That's a double whammy for those of us who are even slightly overweight. Means automatically start shooting storage more abdominal fat than our slimmer peers. 

Metabolism also affected by excess cortisol. The metabolism slows down. A slower metabolism means you can not burn calories efficiently, and this results in weight gain even when they consume fewer calories. Another double whammy here. Since most people tend to eat more when under stress, the rate of weight gain increases exponentially. 

So what can be done to prevent the cortisol create a roadblock in their efforts to lose weight? Manage stress proactively! Do not wait until it catches up with you to start fighting him. Here are some things you should do:Creating awareness: awareness of profit of stress triggers and reactions. 

Get in training: Exercise regularly to regulate cortisol levels. It can also help alleviate depression. Try relaxation exercises such as yoga and guided meditations.Get enough rest: your body rejuvenates while sleeping, and helps you deal with stress more effectively. It may mean that you make food choices wiser next day, and help yourself in your weight loss or maintenance plan. 

It is important to note that while it is important to manage stress and cortisol levels appropriately, medication is not the first recommended option. Try one of the above methods first!

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