
Top 5 Reasons to Add Raw Foods to Your Diet

Top 5 Reasons to Add Raw Foods to Your Diet - There has been a lot of attention and hype in the media and among physicians recently raw food, especially as more studies have shown that our diets consist mainly of processed food. Here are the top 5 reasons to consider adding raw foods to your diet:

Top 5 Reasons to Add Raw Foods to Your Diet

Digestive enzymes 
Our body works overtime to create enough enzymes to digest processed foods. This creates an imbalance in the body to the point that the bodies begin to register a markedly lower threshold for stress. Raw foods are an excellent source of natural enzymes and extremely easy for your body to digest. So not only your body can digest easily, but have enough energy to work on the repair of tissues and cells for continued health.

Weight loss 
That automatically associate with a raw food diet weight loss due to high fiber content. It is true to some extent. By adding raw foods at the beginning of your meal automatically eat a small portion of a processed food high in calories simply because there is not enough space for it. Fiber fills you up. Low calorie weight loss equal time.

Vitamins and Minerals
What better way to get vitamin C than directly from a juicy orange or broccoli? 1 orange naturally also give calcium, vitamins A and B, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Who needs a multivitamin tablet when you have so many fruits and vegetables to mix and match from?

Anti Aging
Anti-aging thought has recently acquired a new dimension with vitamins and enzymes that are added even some facial creams! Why supplement externally when you can add this to your diet, and benefit holistically from the inside out.

High levels of energy and vitality
Raw foods give your body a break from the process that spends 80% of its energy from processed foods - the digestion process. Saving energy means higher standards of living for you and a better overall quality of health. Raw foods provide crude fiber, which also helps the health of the colon.

Top 5 Reasons to Add Raw Foods to Your Diet

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