
Fighting Disease With Breakfast

Fighting Disease With Breakfast - As a society, we focus so much on measures to stay healthy. We loaded in multivitamins, pay attention to personal hygiene, and even sign up for gym memberships with the hope that we will be motivated to work regularly. Turns out one of the simplest preventive measures we can take to do in the house right at the start of each day. 

Regularly eating breakfast may help reduce the risk of the syndrome of insulin resistance, diabetes and coronary heart disease by 35% to 50% compared to the odds if you skip the morning meal. That's a lot of prevention of the disease only pay attention to one meal per day! Turns out mom was right after all. Breakfast is the most important meal. 

So what is the best choice for breakfast the American Heart Association recommends that winning the prevention against diseases listed above? A bowl of whole grain cereal with milk added as part of a balanced breakfast. The fiber in whole grains and dairy products help protect against obesity and heart disease by improving blood sugar and cholesterol levels. 

Well, why not wait to have whole grain bread at lunch instead? The answer lies in the concentration of fiber in whole grain cereals. It is very hard to match the quality and the amount of fiber in whole grain cereals with whole grain bread. The soluble fiber in cereals is directly associated with a lower risk of heart disease. 

It forms a gel-like material that prevents cholesterol and saturated fat entering the bloodstream, where it can accumulate and form plaques in artery walls. As an added bonus, for those of us who have trouble eating our daily servings of fruits and vegetables, insoluble fiber helps keep 'movement' perspective contributes to digestive and colon health. 

Which should you choose? Any cereal with whole grains or bran as its main ingredient and containing at least 2 grams of fiber per serving should be in your shopping cart, and your breakfast table.

Title: Fighting Disease With Breakfast

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