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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Weight Loss. Tampilkan semua postingan

Eat More to Lose Weight Fast

Eat More to Lose Weight Fast - There is a golden rule for dieters and dieters alike: Eat often, but eat less. This is practically the easiest way to ensure that you lose weight, even if we do not change anything in our diet. Here's why: 

Goodbye overeat: When eating five or six times a day, we sit for every meal just feel a slight pang of hunger, instead of wanting to eat everything in sight when we're hungry. Jump to more meals a day will also help us better appreciate the food, which, again, will improve the quality of our lives and change our relationship with food. 

No binge: By eating more often, are less likely to be fierce. When you eat a snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon, not starving at lunch or after work. You are then much less likely to binge. For each meal or snack, eat protein and carbohydrates, such as cereal with milk, an apple with peanut butter or a turkey sandwich. Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, so you'll stay satisfied longer. 

Fire up your metabolism: metabolism kicks into overdrive when we eat regularly. Our bodies are less likely to go into "survival mode", as they do when we go for long periods of time with insufficient or no food and then binge. By eating regularly, your body thinks it is receiving no ongoing fuel shortage in supply. It will continue to burn those calories, and you will begin to feel the results quickly. 

The change to six meals a day also has benefits beyond weight control. Since we no longer feel hungry, our attention span improves, as does the concentration, which, in turn, translates into higher productivity and better overall mood at all times. Also likely to eat more nutritious foods, and it will not load of calories.

Please read the free presentations reveal a somewhat unusual tips to quickly get a flatter belly while still enjoying all the foods you love by click here.

How Does Stress Affect Your Weight Loss Efforts?

How Does Stress Affect Your Weight Loss Efforts? - There are a lot of getting research published stress and weight gain. While a variety of behaviors and external factors affect how to deal with stress, there are also biological responses that occur automatically within our body. 

Cortisol, a hormone related to stress, has been associated with weight gain, especially belly fat. When under stress, very large amounts of cortisol are released into the bloodstream. Most of the amount of fat is collected in the abdomen region when eating under stress because cortisol receptors are located in the abdomen. To make matters worse, the waist-hip higher has been associated with higher levels of cortisol under stress. That's a double whammy for those of us who are even slightly overweight. Means automatically start shooting storage more abdominal fat than our slimmer peers. 

Metabolism also affected by excess cortisol. The metabolism slows down. A slower metabolism means you can not burn calories efficiently, and this results in weight gain even when they consume fewer calories. Another double whammy here. Since most people tend to eat more when under stress, the rate of weight gain increases exponentially. 

So what can be done to prevent the cortisol create a roadblock in their efforts to lose weight? Manage stress proactively! Do not wait until it catches up with you to start fighting him. Here are some things you should do:Creating awareness: awareness of profit of stress triggers and reactions. 

Get in training: Exercise regularly to regulate cortisol levels. It can also help alleviate depression. Try relaxation exercises such as yoga and guided meditations.Get enough rest: your body rejuvenates while sleeping, and helps you deal with stress more effectively. It may mean that you make food choices wiser next day, and help yourself in your weight loss or maintenance plan. 

It is important to note that while it is important to manage stress and cortisol levels appropriately, medication is not the first recommended option. Try one of the above methods first!

Please read the free presentations reveal a somewhat unusual tips to quickly get a flatter belly while still enjoying all the foods you love by click here. 

Stress, Comfort Foods and Weight Gain

Stress, Comfort Foods and Weight Gain - What do you associate with comfort foods? When do we need these "comfort foods"? The answers to these questions to light direct connection between stress, comfort foods and weight gain

Most comfort foods are high in carbohydrates, high fat, or both. A bowl of macaroni and cheese or butter mashed potatoes are just two examples of the variety of foods we consider comfort food. We are more likely to achieve these foods when we are under stress and need re-assurance on some level. For many of us, comfort foods tend to provide that security - the same feeling I probably have a child who eats foods that all will be well. 

Not only do we eat more under stress also tend to consume alcohol more frequently. That means that not only are we adding on the calories to feel good food, we are also adding in a lot of empty calories of stress-induced drinking. All extra calories mean a lot of extra exercises to burn, or more likely, the increase in weight over a period of time. 

Studies have shown that women in particular are at greater risk of eating and drinking in direct response to stress. The main cause of overeating women have pointed out in several studies is the lack of emotional support. That makes it imperative for those who are trying to lose weight to build a network of support that we can rely on during periods of stress. It can mean reach them for help, just let off steam, or socializing with friends who support us not to focus on difficult issues alone. Being now also means they are less likely to use a box of chocolate, or a couple of bottles of wine. Imagine the amount of calories and weight gain to save every time you do not eat a piece of chocolate or an extra portion of food? 

What everyone can do is be more aware and conscious of the way we react to stress. This realization in itself will help to guide actions and help make decisions that do not automatically have to mean weight gain. It also means that we can and must stop using stress as an excuse for any weight gain.

Please read the free presentations reveal a somewhat unusual tips to quickly get a flatter belly while still enjoying all the foods you love by click here.

4 Reasons Why You Can Not Burn Fat Fast

4 Reasons Why You Can Not Burn Fat Fast - As you get older your metabolic rate is on the decline and generally requiring a reduction in the number of daily calories. This reduces your ability to burn fat fast. If you are affected by a slow metabolism, it is necessary to take preventive measures or gained weight. You will need to take a series of preventive measures to arrest the decline in its metabolism and some steps to increase your metabolic rate.It is important to identify some of the main causes of a slow metabolism so you know what to avoid and what to take action on: 

ALCOHOL - Alcoholic drinks are full of sugar and calories. They can also lead to dehydration which reduces the efficiency of your metabolism. An alcoholic beverage from time to time is fine, but the drinking and / or drinking every day may lead to decreased metabolism. 

BIG MEALS - larger meals contain more calories than smaller meals. Therefore, there is a greater likelihood that the extra calories are stored as fat. To maximize your metabolism has to break down these large meals you eat smaller meals more often. 

SUGAR FOODS - Sugary foods have low nutritional value, are high in calories and easily digested. This means that fewer calories are burned in the process of digestion and more calories are stored as fat. The occasional sugary treat is fine, but your overall diet should contain limited levels of sugary foods. Look at your diet as a whole and try to replace unhealthy foods for healthier. Healthier foods usually have a higher nutritional value and are harder to digest, which means more calories are burned during the digestion process. This has a positive effect on metabolic rate. 

SEDENTARISM - Stay active and avoid a sedentary lifestyle will help stop your metabolism from slowing down. Taking more exercise can really help increase your metabolic rate. If you participate in regular cardiovascular exercise and weight training exercise regularly, you'll be on your way to maximize your metabolism.

Please read the free presentations reveal a somewhat unusual tips to quickly get a flatter belly while still enjoying all the foods you love by click here.